Andreas Niederl wrote:

Petar Dimitrijevic wrote:
Hi ppl,

My basic idea is to have chroot-ed environment which will be the full
system and then to install separate system with only minimal stuff
(without gcc, portage, ...). When I need to update the minimal system I
will first update the chrooted one and the emerge the updates onto the
new one.

So I got the stage3 tarball, unpacked it and and chrooted it. I've
updated all the packages and started installation of new packages with:
ROOT="/install" emerge ...

I wanted to ask if somebody has done something like this, is something
like this possible and are there any wiki's or howto's on this topic.
I've tried searching through the handbook and google-ing but had no luck. provides a somewhat extensive
introduction to this as well as a long list of links to related web pages.
Thanks I'll give it a look.
Note, that you have to include yourself if you're not
emerging gcc into your /install.
You mean just to copy to /lib or emerge libstdc++ ?
If you're not cross-compiling you might want to have a look at
I'm not cross compiling. I'm compiling the packages on i686 arch for i686 arch. So I'll check this one too.

Thanks for the pointers.
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