On Fri, Sep 28, 2007 at 07:40:34AM +0200, Peter Gantner (nephros) wrote:
> Thu, 27 Sep 2007 quidam 'Anthony E. Caudel' inquit ita:
>> Thinking about ordering a DVD from Amazon.uk (not available here in the
>> US).  It is a region 2 DVD and is in PAL format unlike the NTSC here in
>> the states.
>> Will the DVD play in Mplayer?
> An alternative would be to get hold of a regionless firmware somewhere on 
> the internet and flash the drive with that, but this is most likely illegal 
> in your country under the DMCA.

rpc1.org would be a good bet for the firmware route, which I'd
recommend (AFAIK breaking css is illegal under the dmca anyway, so
I can't see this as being a much bigger legal issue than playing any
encrypted DVD under Linux). IANAL, of course. If in doubt, move to


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