On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 08:02:29PM -0500, Anthony E. Caudel wrote:
> >> An alternative would be to get hold of a regionless firmware somewhere on 
> >> the internet and flash the drive with that, but this is most likely 
> >> illegal 
> >> in your country under the DMCA.
> >>     
> >
> > rpc1.org would be a good bet for the firmware route, which I'd
> > recommend (AFAIK breaking css is illegal under the dmca anyway, so
> > I can't see this as being a much bigger legal issue than playing any
> > encrypted DVD under Linux). IANAL, of course. If in doubt, move to
> > Finland.
> >
> > -Nick
> >
> >   
> Can't find rpcl.org
The last character is a one, not a l.

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  GPG Fingerprint: 9732 D7C7 A441 D79E FDF0 94F6 1F48 5674 04E4 653F

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