Am Montag, 8. Oktober 2007 schrieb Thufir:
> On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:05:56 +0200, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> > Yes. Mount it, (recursivly) change the group of the top level directory
> > and give group write permissions, then add all users which should have
> > full access to that group (they need to logout/login to change their
> > group membership information).
> When you say to "change the group of the top level directory" you're
> referring to:
> arrakis ~ # getfacl /mnt/VolGroup00/LogVol00/home/

No, chgrp.

> and suggesting to use facl to change the permissions of directories and
> files?  Can I not instead change the way the volume is mounted so that
> users are treated as root, in order to get read/write access?

Read my first response again: In fstab you specify who can _mount_ a volume. 
In the _mounted_ volumes filesystem, you specify access rights using chmod, 
chgrp, chown or, if using ACLs, setfacl.

> Wnat is meant by mounting the volume recursively, please?

Don't know, didn't write that. I wrote: ...mount, then (recursively) change 



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