   yes i'm always staying in powersave mode...... but in any case the
CPU temperature tends to increase. I hope that the ACPI guys will work
on this (hoping i'm not the only one experiencing these problems). The
fans unfortunately are masked to the user in most Acer laptops, and
they are controlled fully by ACPI.

Thanks again,

On 10/13/07, Beso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i think that you'll have to wait a little more and always stay aware when
> using the pc till acpi supports it.
> i'd recommend to stay on powersave when using the processor extensively so
> that you'd not incur in hardware errors and failures. and it the fan is not
> starting try to modify it by command prompt via echo "on" >
> /proc/acpi/fan/..
> this will work at least the thermal doesn't reach the state when it would
> stop the fan, but since you don't have that point and that you cannot read
> temperature starting it via echo "on" should always stay on. you'd have some
> noise maybe, but you'd be sure that the processor would not run overheat.
> and hope that the acpi people would fix that in the near future.
> i'm sorry for not being able to help you more.
> and as an advice for the future: before getting a notebook in the future
> have some surf on the web to see if it's fully supported by linux (acer
> sells linux only notebooks actually but only from taiwan). i had my linux
> notebook not working with linux for 5-6 months and yet i had to change the
> wireless since it wasn't supported after almost 2 years. for what i know
> dell, hp and compaq are quite well supported.
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