071027 Philip Webb wrote:
> X starts with no errors in the log, but 'glxgears' & 'glxinfo' crash X.
> The processor is an Intel G33 using drivers 'i810' & 'i915' ;
> kernel 2.6.22-r8 ; 64-bit system .

After sleeping on the problem & reading Forum discussion re 'x11-drm',
I've tried a few more things, none of which makes any difference:
permutating some options under 'Device' in  xorg.conf ,
checking all relevant items are enabled in the kernel
& finally unmerging 'x11-drm', which seems rather flakey
& whose removal had not the slightest effect (wry smile).

However, I did notice  2  lines on the screen after the crashes:

  Unrecognised deviceID 29c2
  backtrace ...
  ... /usr/lib64/dri/i915_dri.so ...  (provided by pkg 'mesa')

This suggests there is some very basic problem re recognising acceleration
on the G33 , caused by a defect in the driver(s) being used.

Can anyone confirm that this is the correct diagnosis ?
It looks like material for a bug report, but Gentoo or LKML ?

A lot of people have been reporting difficulties getting DRI to work here,
tho' only a few seem to have encountered my problem of a crash out of X.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto
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