071030 James Ausmus wrote:
> On 10/30/07, Benno Schulenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> build the Mesa modules from git, the 1.2.2 and 1.4 part:
>>   http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/Building
>> These three lines were added to i915/intel_context.h since 7.0.1:
>>   #define PCI_CHIP_G33_G                  0x29C2
>>   #define PCI_CHIP_Q35_G                  0x29B2
>>   #define PCI_CHIP_Q33_G                  0x29D2
> You don't have to go to all that, the media-libs/mesa-7.0.1 works fine
> *IF* you apply the attached patch (either hack the ebuild
> or CTRL-Z immediately after emerge gets done unpacking the source).
> I had the same problem you did, did the Googling, found the patch
> and everything works fine for me now.

I did try unpacking the MesaLibs distfile, patching & repacking,
but of course Portage objected that the file size was incorrect !
I've looked at the Mesa ebuild, but have no idea how to hack it
nor am I confident of applying the patch during a suspended emerge.
I could try the 2nd, but could you fill out a few more details of the 1st,
which I will note for future occasions ?
This certainly looks like the solution to the DRI problem.

Meanwhile, what I believed to be a small irritant is proving a show-stopper.
Leaving aside DRI, the display from the new machine spills off the screen:
it's way off to the left (eg Gkrellm is invisible on the KDE desktop)
& loses about half the KDE panel when placed at top/bottom/right-side;
mouse-X starts left of centre & the fonts & icons are badly oversized.
KDE Control Centre tells me the display is 1680x1050 @ 60 Hz (as it sb).
Elsewhere, it does appear the screen's physical size ( 430 x 270 mm )
is being recognised, tho' perhaps it's not being applied correctly.

I believed the problem was due to faulty thro'put by my KVM switch,
but plugging the monitor directly into the new machine make no difference.
I don't see any obvious solution in the monitor manual (Samsung 206BW).
The current machine using an Nvidia card & direct monitor plug-in
produces none of these defects, suggesting the cause is the G33 chip.
I'm not keen to buy another Nvidia card, if I can avoid it ...

Any advice here too wb very welcome.

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