Hello everyone. I use Debian GNU/Linux since ten years, on 32-bit Intel
machines. And now I bought a new computer, my first 64-bit machine. Its
a Gigabyte GA-M57SLI-S4 mobo, with a AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ CPU, so I
thought that on such powerful beast, Gentoo will be a good choice,
things will compile fast enough. I am stuck with a "The setup program
seems to have failed." error during installation, so I'll tell you
exactly what I dit.

OK, so what I did was:
wget http://bouncer.gentoo.org/fetch/gentoo-2007.0-livecd/amd64/

Then, this machine doesn't have, nor will ever have any hard drives, nor
CD/DVD/any-moving-media drives, the only things that I want to ever
attach to it are USB flash pendrives and the Ethernet cable. So I bought
one 1 GB USB pendrive, and two 2 GB USB pendrives to play with, and with
the 1 GB pendrive I followed these intructions:
and that worked well, I have this bootable USB stick with Gentoo image
now. After that boots and I get the Gnome desktop, I switch to text
console, I insert one of the 2 GB pendrives into another USB slot, and
the screen tells me to type "installer", so I do it.

I choose "standard" and "Internet enabled" and then he asks me "Which
drive would you like to partition?" and shows me /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
to choose from, where /dev/sda is my 1 GB boot stick, and /dev/sdb is my
empty 2 GB stick. So I choose /dev/sdb, and then the program quits
printing as its last words this not-very-useful message:

"The setup program seems to have failed."

So I am stuck here, what to do?

P.S. This machine has 2 GB RAM, and I plan to buy another 2 GB or 4 GB
more, and then install Gentoo in such a way that the USB pendrive would
only be needed during bootup, i.e. that a compressed ramfs image would
be on the stick, and once it extracts into initramfs or something like
that, it could be removed, and whole system will run from RAM, ramfs,
XiP (execute in place) - that's what I want to do. But right now I can't
even do a basic install, so some help would be great.


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