Rumen Yotov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The graphical installer is known to fail sometimes (not always :-)
> Many people prefer the (old) install method - using a terminal.

I was not using a graphical installer, I went to a terminal (text
console), and typed "installer", is that what I am supposed to do?  I
have no idea what is "old" and what is "new" install method, as this is
the first time ever I try to install Gentoo, so everyting is new for me,
just tell me what I should do that should "just work" most probably.

> i've been following (svn) the quickstart script, meant to do a console
> install. Don't have a link but if anyone is interested will get it
> (IIRC it's in graphical-installed dev personal place).  Would be
> interested on any experience about it's usability.  HTH. Rumen

Does Gentoo have a "normal" install method, that should work usually,
and if any, what is it? I just did what the booted image told me to,
hoping it was something I was supposed to do. This distro is new for me,
I installed Debian maybe a hundred times, so thats what I am acustomed


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