On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 09:08:05AM -0600, Albert Hopkins wrote:
> Ok so a long time ago there were these things called (text) terminals
> that were inherently text-based.   Then along came these whiz-bang
> things called X terminals which were like the other terminals but could
> display graphics.  They did make some GUI software/libraries for these X
> things, but to keep compatibility with the old text-based stuff they
> created software called "terminal emulators".

X-terminals handle graphics using an seperate (Socket based) connection-
what I want is display graphics within the normal terminal

In the 
example, the tool "compare_images" would write a string "The images", a
terminal escape sequence for an image, another string "and" and another
terminal escape sequence to NORMAL STDOUT (!), and the terminal emulator
would convert the image escape sequence to a graphic.
So, basically, the above would also work over a SSH connection.

This is probably not unlike the Tektronix Vector Graphics, ReGIS, Sixel
or NAPLPS extensions found in the more fancy terminals back in the last
century, only I would need it for a terminal emulator, in color, and
relative to the current text position (I believe the other protocols
just allow you to switch the terminal to graphics mode and then draw
things on absolute positions, thereby destroying the text)

Any ideas where to find something like this?



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