Grant <emailgrant <at>> writes:

> > Otherwise, I'm interested in what your definition of "forward" is.

> How about anything?  More than nothing.

I'd agree with this. I think  gentoo is having growing pains in directions
the (gentoo) pundits are not really interested in. Take for example JAVA.

IMHO java going open source is the biggest thing to hit linux for some time
now. Eclipse is the defacto development environment of the future
for many, many things. Sure as an old timer, I can use the CLI
pretty well, but Eclipse Europa (3.3) has been out for a while 
and yet, nothing in Gentoo.

I stumbled across a bug where they devs are thinking about deprecating
JFFNMS becuse it is broken. JFFNMS is the best network management package
available to opensource (period), yet it tumbles from dev to dev to

I offered to take over the maintenance of the package and web installation
page, and was turned down (probable by some punk under the age of 20)....

As a 47 year old computer scientist, this the what turns off so many people
form helping gentoo......

That said, if you have the stomach, becoming a dev or taking care of
just a few niche packages would go a long way to improving gentoo.

(btw) I have figured out the trivial things with jffnms and the install
doc and play to  just build an overlay and maintain my own how to page.
I'm tired of the snotty attitude of some the the devs. They ask everyone
to participate in bugday, but refuse to let somebody manage  a package
they want to deprecate....?

stupid, real stupid.

that is exactly what kills gentoo, imho.


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