Grant <emailgrant <at>> writes:

> Multiple great ideas have already been suggested in this thread.  Is
> this the first time they've been conceived and shared?  Why hasn't
> work begun on them?  Why isn't work completed on them?  Because living
> costs money and Gentoo doesn't pay.

> I've been in business for 7 years and I'd like to take a shot at
> designing a system that would pay Gentoo developers to develop.

Oh, I've taken this approach several times. My simple idea was to for
an individual or company to solicit specific things they want,
like a meta package for secure E-commerce. I'd 'Poney' up the funds and 
the greater community benefits.

No takers.   I'd throw a few thousand dollars at such a venture.
I'm sure other would donate to.   Anyone interested? (serious doubts
among the dev ranks).....

Gentoo is a 'boys club' and any mention of using it formally to make money
(for the greater gentoo community) sends the squirrels with their "nuts"
running for cover.

-- jaded after a few years,


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