7v5w7go9ub0o wrote:
> My concerns with this, other than my abilities, are:

> 1. Showing proper respect to the guy who pioneered the effort to date,
> and who may simply be out of town. (This disrespect would be alleviated
> if there was an official policy encouraging "volunteer ebuilds".)

It's not disrespectful, IMO, to do something that you don't see getting
done.  Especially since it's less work for another guy.  I wouldn't
worry about that point.

> 2. He won't be there to proofread my work anyway, so therefor my ebuild
> would still not get into the disribution. (This could be alleviated if
> there was a  "designated backup" for each package - someone who could
> either temporarily fill, or accept a "volunteer ebuild", and move it
> forward.

This can happen.  I've submitted ebuilds for backuppc-3.0.0, and so have
many other people.  In fact, the bug for it has several ebuilds that
have been submitted but haven't made it into the official tree.  I think
that particular bug report might not be getting attention from the right
people or something.  That doesn't mean it isn't worth doing though,
because people can still use the ebuild from the bug report.  Ideally, a
dev would see that, check it out for correctness, and add it to ~arch.

Does anybody know how to call attention to a bug report that doesn't
seem to have any devs paying attention to it?  I think BackupPC is a
fine product, and would like to see it in the tree for others to use.
I'm using my own ebuild successfully, as are many of the fine folks who
have contributed on that bug report.  I'd just like my and others'
efforts to be something that benefits more of the Gentoo community :)

> 3. If a volunteer ebuild isn't proofread, it could contain a bug. (you
> don't know me.)

I don't think an ebuild would make it into the tree without being
checked by a dev, and that's not what I am suggesting.  I'm suggesting
taking the burden of writing ebuilds off of the devs' shoulders so they
can spend more of their time checking.  Ebuilds for the majority of
packages are pretty simple anyways, especially packages that just need a
./configure && make && make install, so getting a bad bug in the ebuild
itself isn't going to be that hard to avoid.

Randy Barlow
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