Hilco Wijbenga wrote:
> Mmmh, so you think it could be software after all?

No, if the light on the firewall and on the NIC itself don't come on 
when you plug in the ethernet cable, the card isn't working.  When 
a different slot doesn't work either, it seems something on your 
PCI bus is dead.  Does 'lspci -v' still report allright?

> How does one check that a NIC is working?

By checking that the light goes on and that one can ping the thing 
at the other end of the cable.  :)

> Does "ping localhost" 
> actually use the NIC? Or is that all just software?

Localhost is all software.  No one on the network knows who 
127.*.*.* is.

> And, yes, the machine works fine otherwise. It's just the network
> that's not working.

Do you have any other PCI cards you could try, an old sound card 

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