On Dec 17, 2007 12:33 PM, Benno Schulenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, if the light on the firewall and on the NIC itself don't come on
> when you plug in the ethernet cable, the card isn't working.  When
> a different slot doesn't work either, it seems something on your
> PCI bus is dead.  Does 'lspci -v' still report allright?

I'm fairly certain I ran lspci and that still worked. (I tried so many
things I'm not entirely sure of what I did when anymore.) :-)

> > And, yes, the machine works fine otherwise. It's just the network
> > that's not working.
> Do you have any other PCI cards you could try, an old sound card
> perhaps?

Yes, I have a PCI sound card and it definitely works. My Oggs are
still playing. :-)
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