I won't answer you with a size since its mainly depends on your own
needs, but don't you know that solutions like lvm or evms provide lots
of flexibility to manage your HD resources ? I advise you to look at
lvm howto. It allows you to add/remove/move/enlarge your partitions as
you need in a truly painless way. To avoid major mounting problems
(can be done but with caution), let /boot and / outside lvm, and put
the others in logical volumes.


On Dec 20, 2007 10:50 AM, Benjamen R. Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I set up a server system a little while ago, and in performing updates
> to portage it ran out of disk space as I didn't quite allow enough space
> on the root partition (3.8 GB). As a result, I took a partition that I
> had cleaned up (this was from a rebuild of a system that was a different
> distro in the past) and moved over /usr/portage to it. It's a 47 GB
> partition (as reported by df -h) and the system works fine.
> I do realize that if the mount command got screwed up, I'd probably have
> issues recovering the system, but that is that system.
> I am now thinking of converting my desktop over to Gentoo as well, and
> was wondering whether what I did above on the server was wise or not. I
> will be using the server as the portage provider for my desktop too.
> Otherwise, what is the recommended space to have available for the
> portage tree in /usr/portage so I can have root as an appropriately
> sized partition?
> TIA,
> Ben
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