maxim wexler wrote:
>> Was it dispatch-conf by any chance?  It does the
>> same thing as
>> etc-update.  100+, WOW.  he he he
> Now that I've thought about it more I recall it didn't
> specify a command, what it said was something like
> there are n files in /etc that have changed then
> something like see man emerge for further details
> Then on the next line was a similar warning, but for a
> different /dir which I mismember.
> Why would they use dispatch-conf if it's the same
> thing as etc-update
> I looked in /usr/lib/portage/bin; if it's anywhere,
> it'll be in there, but I didn't recognize it. Oh well,
> I'll know how bad things are the next time I reboot

They have two because a lot of people like dispatch-conf.  It archives
old configs just in case something . . . well. . . screws up badly.

>> I'm not going to tell how many times I hit the tab
>> key when trying to
>> type in those commands.   ;-) 
> What do you mean? I just overwrite most of them
> automatically except for those few I need to keep the
> same
> Maxim

If you are in a console and type in "eme" then hit the tab key, it will
fill in the rest of the command emerge for you.  Saves you from typing
the whole thing.  You can do the same when changing directories and such
too.  Saves you a lot of typing but when you are typing in a email, it
doesn't fill it in for ya.  Then you have to backspace and fill in the
whole thing yourself.

Try it sometime.  It'll grow on you.


:-)  :-) 
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