Mick wrote:
Thanks for the prefix tip! I was thinking of letting each site to have its own database within mysql, but my wife wants each one separately. As long as they are separable both for backups and uploads I don't mind really. Aren't multiple mysql instances going to affect server performance?

You figure out the prefix idea after inheriting a db server with Members, Member, 1Member, and so on. And also Logs, New_logs, etc which you'd need to lookup to see which site were which database. It was a mess. :( I even do it on my own server for databases just in case I ever have to add a friend or migrate my data to someone else's machine.

Yes running multiple instances will be more overhead, but there are odd cases when it's useful. I'd stick with just assigning a db per site in your case.

If you're using Innodb I'd also set innodb_file_per_table which will cause Mysql to put Innodb data files in the same dir under /var/lib/mysql/$db_name/ rather than using the default /var/lib/mysql/ibdata files. It's a bit easier to tell where your data is and you get better disk IO that way as well. IIRC per table will not apply retroactively so you'll need to dump and reimport any db you'd like to take advantage of it.

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