On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:14:22 +0930, Iain Buchanan wrote:

> > The cruelty is actually worse:  the machines that will benefit most
> > from an OOo compile from source, are those old, low memory, asthmatic
> > boxen, that take two days to complete the emerge!  I am tempted to
> > start cross-compiling.  
> I've often used distcc between amd64 and x86 machines, for example, and
> had no problems (except that not enough is "farmed out").

AFAIR the OOo build won't use distcc. It used to take up to 16 hours on
my iBook, with no bin package available. Now it takes 3-4 hours, so runs
while I sleep. The binary version clashes too much with KDE.

Neil Bothwick

"Self-explanatory": technospeak for "Incomprehensible & undocumented"

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