Aaron Clark wrote:
Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2008 schrieb ext Strong Cypher:

For exemple , with reiser4 the portage directory don't take a lot of
space, and so read it it's really fast...

The same is true for reiser3.

I want a alternative

Well, there are plenty: xfs, jfs, ...

Of the current main four FS's on modern linux, here's a general overview of them:

ext3: Older, reliable, stable. You get very good tools support for ext3 (including online resize) and low cpu-usage for the most part but it's slower and less space efficient than more recent fs's.

jfs: Better performance than ext3, deals with larger files reasonably well with low cpu usage. Not very commonly used to my knowledge.

reiserfs (reiser3): very fast for most operations (the exception being directory creation iirc), especially efficient for dealing with many small files. It has noticeably higher cpu-usage than ext3/jfs. I believe there are also some potential performance bottlenecks on SMP systems as it makes liberal use of the Big Kernel Lock.

xfs: high performance, especially when dealing with many large or small files; Gets along very well with raid arrays. Noticeably higher cpu usage than ext3/jfs. IIRC, it aggressively caches its writes so there is a slight possibility of data loss if your power goes out suddenly in the middle of a series of writes (I consider this a very small possibility, it is journalled like the other fs's on this list so the filesystem will still come up in a consistent state, you just may be missing some of the data you were writing). Very good online tools support provided with it.

I'm sure someone will jump in to correct me if I've misremembered something. Favorite filesystems can be a bit like Window Manager or favorite Desktop debates.


Little addition to XFS, I tried it once a while ago. Every time the power failed, it would never boot again. I can say from personal experience and from what I have read from others, if you plan to use XFS, have a good UPS hooked up. It does not like power failures at all. YMMV


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