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Hello Mark,

I was under the impression that packages with the ~amd64 (or ~x86) keywords are
in testing, but no serious instabilities had been found, or they would be hard

I have had non-testing packages break my system before, as well.  What
generally happens is the the environment variables become messed up, or the
service dependencies do - either way, I can't use emerge or any of the
available utilities to fix the problem, or even find out what it does.

About a year ago, I went to a testing system and haven't had any problems,
except when I re-install Gentoo.  I guess it is always a choice - either go
with the "stable" version of a distribution or you go with the testing version
(some people really push the envelope and go for the unstable version).

I read up on the keywords, and found out that having the ~mad64 keyword on a
package just means that it hasn't been adequately tested on that architecture.
That's how people like me help move things along - by testing those packages on
our systems, and reporting any problems we find.


Mark Knecht wrote:
| On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Chris Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|>  Hello,
|>  Can anyone tell me what packages you know of that will break your system if 
|>  choose to put "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~amd64" in your make.conf file?  I have had 
|>  system break, twice now, from a package upgrade - I think that one of the
|>  culprits is gawk, but can't be certain.
|>  I do know that the only way to fix the problem was to restore from backup, 
|>  to try re-installing again.  I just want to know which packages are so 
|>  that I should mask them.  TIA.
|>  Regards,
|>  Chris
| Hi Chris,
|    I don't think your question can be answered as phrased.
|    *Any* package marked with '~' is 'new', 'in testing', 'unstable',
| etc. Very few (in my experience) 'break' my machine, but I have a rule
| that any package energed as part of emerge system must be stable and I
| personally add ~x86 or ~amd64 only for specific packages that I want
| or need some new feature.
| Hope this helps,
| Mark


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