On Sonntag, 2. März 2008, Mick wrote:
> Hi All,
> I changed the monitor on a box that runs kdm/KDE and the fonts on KDE apps
> are giving me a headache from eye strain.  This is particularly bad when
> working at a console (white letters on black background) and KDE text
> editors (with black letters on white background).  Essentially, the
> antiailiasing seems to alter the consistency of fonts in an irregular
> manner causing them to blur (differently) across the screen, as if the
> monitor resolution is out of sync.
> The resolution in xorg.conf is set at 360 290 mm, but the DDC picks this up
> on its own anyway, whether I define it in xorg.conf, or not.  I have no
> modeline set.  All I can think that is amiss is the DPI.  I seem to be
> getting a DPI of 90x89:
> $ xdpyinfo | grep resolution
>   resolution:    90x89 dots per inch
> Could this be the cause of my headache and how should I fix it?

post your xorg.conf? drivers? increase font size?
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