On Wednesday 26 March 2008 04:53:24 pm Grant wrote:
> I'm trying to strengthen a wireless connection that spans about 150
> feet and has to go through about 5 walls.  I bought two of these:
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833164110
> for either end of the connection, but I'm having trouble making it
> work well.  I've noticed the connection will be perfect for a short
> time, but then disappear.  When watching iwconfig during this process,
> it looks like the connection is good when on a low rate, but when it
> goes to 54 Mbps it falls apart.
> Should limiting the rate solve this problem?  If so, how can I do
> that?  I'm using hostapd on the AP and wpa_supplicant on the client.
> - Grant


Yes, lowering the rate to a "slower" speed will help greatly.  The lower rates 
use less compression and modulation... less complex wave forms better 
connects over long hauls. 

The antennas look very good, but what's driving them? I use and whole 
heartedly endorse SENAO products and have had very good luck with these 
models:   ECB-3220 (400 mw) or 2611CB3 PLUS (200 mw) at: 
http://www.wlansolution.com. Either unit with the high gain antennas you 
have,  will penetrate what you stated and probably go pretty high on the 
speed scale doing it too.



From the Desk of: Jerome D. McBride
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