On Tuesday 08 April 2008, Michael Schmarck wrote:
> In "prose": I have kde-i18n-3.5.8 installed. In tree, there's
> an update available (kde-i18n-3.5.9).
> Why was that updatedable package not picked up, when I ran
> emerge -DuvatN world? I also tried "emerge -Duvat world" -
> same effect.

kde-i18n is not in your world and is not a direct dependency of anything 
in world, and nothing in your world specifically requires 

emerge -avuND world updates world and it's deep dependencies, not 
everything on the entire system regardless. You want to put kde-i18n in 
world (emerge -n) to get what you want.

That does give you a cluttered world file, but them's the breaks

The other option is to use the kde*meta ebuilds, which do directly 
depend on the sub-ordinate packages. This is what I do and I don't get 
the effect you observed.

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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