Am Freitag, den 11.04.2008, 13:13 +0200 schrieb ext Amar Cosic:

> Well I just make a "progres" , I got kernel panic :). Then I could see
> available devices listed by kernel and it says drives are hdc1-3 :/.
> On live cd I see sda1-3. Now Lilo returns erorrs when trying to
> install it becouse on Live Cd there is no hdc. Any idea how to solve
> this and install Lilo to look at root=/dev/hdc3 ?

When the kernel says your disk is hd*, then it is a PATA disk. When it
says it's sd*, it could be pretty much everything: PATA (with new libata
driver), SATA, SCSI, USB,...

So I would guess that the LiveCD uses the new libata, while you're using
the old driver. Make sure you compile in the needed PATA drivers for
your chipset (maybe CONFIG_SATA_AHCI works).

What does lspci report?


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