Am Freitag, den 11.04.2008, 17:12 +0930 schrieb ext Iain Buchanan:
> On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 09:07 +0200, Amar Cosic wrote:
> > This is hell! I have all SATA stuff, all SCSI stuff ,almost all ATA
> > stuf, all Intel stuff, all Linux FS stuff and still same errorr for 24
> > hours :((
> with my Poweredge 2900, the live cd shows a different device to the
> kernel, eg livecd shows my disks as sda, but the kernel shows the as
> hda, or vice versa.  You might want to try all (h|s)da3 combinations...

Because the LiveCD uses the new driver for PATA disks, which is makes
them look like SCSI disks, as is true for SATA.


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