Mark Knecht wrote:
   I'm just about done cleaning up a machine that I haven't touched in
a while. For the first time I used eix-test-obsolete to look for
inconsistencies in the portage config files. It worked wel. The
machine is clean in terms of emerge -DuN world;emerge
--depclean;revdep-rebuild. However I am left with one strange package
that doesn't exit. I'm thinking sys-libs/-MERGING-pam is left over
from some emerge that possibly failed and would like to clean it up. I
does exist in /var/db/pkg but I've never touched anything in these
dirfectories by hand so I'd like to know the right way to go about

   The other few packages that failed in eix-test-obsolete allowed an
emerge -C but this one doesn't.


gandalf ~ # slocate MERGING-pam
gandalf ~ #

gandalf ~ # eix-test-obsolete

No non-matching entries in /etc/portage/package.keywords.
No non-matching entries in /etc/portage/package.mask.
No non-matching entries in /etc/portage/package.unmask.
No non-matching or empty entries in /etc/portage/package.use.
No non-matching or empty entries in /etc/portage/package.cflags.
The following installed packages are not in the database:


No redundant entries in /etc/portage/package.keywords (or test switched off).
No redundant entries in /etc/portage/package.mask (or test switched off).
No redundant entries in /etc/portage/package.unmask (or test switched off).
No redundant entries in /etc/portage/package.use (or test switched off).
No redundant entries in /etc/portage/package.cflags (or test switched off).
No uninstalled entries in /etc/portage/package.keywords (or test switched off).
No uninstalled entries in /etc/portage/package.mask (or test switched off).
No uninstalled entries in /etc/portage/package.unmask (or test switched off).
No uninstalled entries in /etc/portage/package.use (or test switched off).
No uninstalled entries in /etc/portage/package.cflags (or test switched off).
All installed versions of packages are in the database (or test switched off).
gandalf ~ # eix -I pam
[I] sys-libs/pam
     Available versions: ~1.0.1 {audit cracklib
elibc_FreeBSD elibc_glibc nls selinux test vim-syntax}
     Installed versions: 12/24/07)(cracklib
elibc_glibc nls -audit -elibc_FreeBSD -selinux -test -vim-syntax)
     Description:         Linux-PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)

gandalf ~ #
Hi Mark,

Just remove (or move it somewhere) the whole directory:
#rm -rf  /var/db/pkg/sys-libs/-MERGING-pam-
Probably left from some error while merging pam.
Then test again.
HTH, Rumen
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