On Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008, James wrote:
> Hemmann, Volker Armin <volker.armin.hemmann <at> tu-clausthal.de> writes:
> > > This comparison seems to rather neglect Intel.
> >
> > because Intel does not produce amd chipsets.
> >
> > > IMO Intel deserve our thanks for this for more than ATi or nVidia,
> >
> > and they deserve damnation for their monopolistic tactics, their
> > artificially high prices, their copying of amd after bashing them for
> > years.
> First, I did say something good about Intel. Look at my second post under
> "VLSI perspective". Intel is winning the pure physics battle and could
> easily put a gpGPU with a x86 (or compatible) chipset on a single
> substrate, and work closely with the open source community to do the right
> thing.  The problem with Intel, is the founders have similar attitudes as
> the Son of Satan (aka Bill Gates).....
> Intel only responds to the open source community when it gets it's A_ _
> kicked in by AMD. (There is quite a lot of history here). Now that INTEL is
> the current champion of the physics wars, the corporate idiots that run
> Intel, will only marginally move to open source, until AMD heals up
> financially. This is historically recurring theme (fact).
> FAST FORWARD a few years.....
> gpGPU is ubiquitous and everywhere easily implemented (or at least in
> my dreams). The average 3D video game on any platform uses less than
> 10% of the gpGPU/processor. It will not matter who has more patents
> in Stream/Cell/gpGPU court, because all hardware will exceed what the
> majority of users need or want (from a gaming or work perspective).
> The DNA researchers, spoofs that track minutia about the planet's
> inhabitants, etc, etc will care. But the average technoid making a living
> whilst playing video games that look very real, will only care about one
> thing.
> Who has been the nicest and friendliest to the opensource community?
> It's actually a dame shame, for me as an American, with Christian
> tendencies. Intel nor microsuck lead where I want to follow. Corporations
> elsewhere in the world attract me more (and you wonder why our great nation
> is hated by many in the world?). I always spend my money
> on systems where the corporate leaderships is the most appealing
> (never an easy decision and not recommend to others as it is painful).
> I spend my money on AMD/ATI.
> Like I said in the beginning, when we began this thread,
> "All religious questions, imho"
> > Did you know that amd worked closely with linux developers when they
> > developed the amd64 plattform?
> Now you are teasing me. I thought you recommended Nvidia? Oh, I just
> realized, you took my advise and chose the best (easiest) contemporary
> path. Good choice, as I cannot argue (effectively) against Nvidia. It's a
> principled thing, for me.

cpu from amd, graphics from nvidia. chipset from the one who has the least 
bugs ;)
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