On 2008-07-01, Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I emailed this list quite a while ago about not getting emails
> from the list or any other Gentoo list.  I wrote the very VERY
> slow to respond AT&T crew about unblocking the emails.  This
> was on about May 16 or so.  Well, a little while ago I got my
> first set of emails.  Whoooooooo Ooooooooooo.  I have so
> missed getting my emails and keeping up with where Gentoo is
> going and what issues have cropped up with updates.

I've one word of advice for you:  gmane


IMO, gmane is really the only civilized way to read mailing
lists.  Pointing a good newsreader (I like slrn) at
news.gmane.org allows one to follow mailing lists with far less
effort/hassle -- and you never have to worry about mailboxes
filling up.

You also ought to switch to an ISP that doesn't suck, but
that's a different issue. ;)

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Did an Italian CRANE
                                  at               OPERATOR just experience
                               visi.com            uninhibited sensations in
                                                   a MALIBU HOT TUB?

gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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