* Joerg Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > BTW: a friend of mine is lawyer and music producer. I'm trying
> > to convince him to admonish those companies which intentionally
> > sell broken products ... would be nice if he'd really do this :)
> > Joerg, do you feel confident enough in the area to provide a 
> > expertise which could stand in court ?
> I tries to do this via the "Verbraucherzentrale" - they have not been
> interested. 

Did you expect something useful from them as long as they're
ruled by trolls like Seehofer ?  ;-P

> You first need to check whether you may sue someone at all if you are 
> not the "Verbraucherzentrale". 

Well, depends on from which side you want to attack:
a) competition law violation:  you have to be a competitor or represent
   an reasonably large part of the market to be alled to file a suite. 
b) they've sold a defective product, and so you're going to hold them
   responsible for compensation
c) you see this as an defraud and press criminal charges.

> What you may do is to forbid mixing these non-CDs with standard compliant 
> media in the same rack in a shop and you may force the shops to add hints 
> that "the rack to the left" does not include CDs.

Yep, that would be the shop's resposibility, followed on the consumer
protection law. Another side is directly attacking the producer.

BUT: for now we have *far more critical* problems in our country.
Our goverment is obviously guilty of high treason, not just by 
"EU constitution"/Lissabon contract.
In Bavaria, they even go that far to directly ignore an recent
contitutional court decision and legalize terroristic attacks 
by officials. Soon we're at the point where the basic right for 
violent resistent becomes active ...

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service - http://www.metux.de/
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