
Erik Hahn a écrit :
> It doesn't run the command as root but as normal user (it isn't setuid 
> either. All it does is setting the *variables* $USER and $HOME to the
> wrong values.
Oh, I read too quickly :x And by the way didn't give the right command
switch that are --chuid --user and --env. These should give you the
result you wish. Should the program automatically set correct home and
user ? I'd say this could be great, so you may report it as a bug or,
more pobably, as a feature request.

> This implementation is not by Debian:
>> This is a complete re-implementation with the process finding code in 
>> the OpenRC library (librc, -lrc) so other programs can make use of it. 

I didn't know. Where did you find this ?


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