On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 7:26 PM, Andrey Vul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't like package managers which require interactivity.
> emerge -uvDp world | less is easier to parse then emerge -upDa world.
> Why? Because I don't have to find a way of transferring <return> if
> less handles all of the keyboard input.
> So I prefer two stages:
> 1) pretend merge  - single verbosity - and look at output
> 2) actual merge - normal / quiet - and pipe to tee

So what you're saying... is that emerge should have a switch to turn
on, when using -p, -a, and/or -t, a pager? Particularly one that,
until you're content with -a in particular, doesn't accidentally have
a means of handing output back off to the emerge for the yes/no? This
would spare the double run of the dependency checker while giving
users who want it a pager to use and giving the rest the same
functionality a simple -a gives now... something like etc-update's use
of a pager comes to mind. Let's see... -P is taken for --prune ...
--less/-L or... --more/-m ... --more/-M ? Of course, --pager/-M would
work too, but it's less intuitive (we already have --unmerge/-C ... so
why not, I suppose). Not *quite* sure I'm up to the task at the
moment, though.

Poison [BLX]
Joshua M. Murphy

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