On Montag 24 November 2008, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 November 2008 00:15:55 Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> > On Montag 24 November 2008, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> > > On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 04:41:14PM +0100, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> > > > > btrfs looks very promising. I hope it will become a good fs. Fast
> > > > > for everybody, stable, efficient. We will see. Until then I will
> > > > > stay with r4+compression.
> > > >
> > > > Well, it is under a restrictive license, so there is no chance that
> > > > this filestem will become popular on many OS platforms.
> > >
> > > btrfs is under GPL...
> >
> > you can stop right here. Jörg thinks that the GPL is restrictive and the
> > CPPL much more 'freedomy'. Don't try to argue. It will result in some
> > flamefest.
> I dunno about that. About the flamefest I mean. For the past 6 months Joerg
> has been a decent helpful member around here. He answers up every time his
> code is involved, doesn't rise to the bait with the occasional dumb user
> question and is mostly your typical geek with straight answers - with a bit
> of slack cut because he's not native English speaking.
> It wasn't always like that, but I think we should acknowledge things that
> change for the better.

I am not saying that it is Jörg's fault. Just saying that arguing will end in 
a flame fest. I have seen him writing about the GPL and his more favorite 
licences before - nothing Nicolas or anybody else says will change his mind. 
And nothing he will say will change the mind of the GPL fans. 
So there will be some clash of egos and a big, fat flame war, each side 
convinced to speak the ultimate truth. No thanks.

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