On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 5:59 AM, pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've bought a new laptop with Core 2 Duo processor which is 64 bit. My
> question is if applications (see below) compiled and running over 64 bits are
> stable enough or if I should compile for 32 bits.
> The applications are:
> - Seamoneky/Firefox
> - Java
> - Flash
> - Audacious
> - mplayer
> - VirtualBox/VMware
> - Qemu
> - Kerberos/OpenLDAP/OpenSSH (for these I think they are stable)
> - X.org/fluxbox
> - system suspending
> I have 4GB RAM and I know better is to compile for 64 bits, but for me is more
> important stability.
> Thanks a lot
>     Pat

I think both 32-bit and 64-bit are very stable. I run both here. My
input would be that 32-bit Flash and Java are still more compatible
with stuff that's out there on the web and I'm generally better of on
my wife's 32-bit Gentoo machine than my own 64-bit machine. don't get
me wrong - 64-bit works really, really well or I would have dropped
it, but if you build 64-bit Gentoo you want to build with multi-lib so
you can run 32-bit stuff along the way.

Anyway, I'm not the most software technical guy and I don't run much
stuff that isn't marked stable so I cannot give you a leading edge
view but if I had purchased your hardware I'd build and run 32-bit
today and leave a 20GB partition for building 64-bit later.

Good luck,

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