On Montag 08 Dezember 2008, pat wrote:
> Hello,
> I've bought a new laptop with Core 2 Duo processor which is 64 bit. My
> question is if applications (see below) compiled and running over 64 bits
> are stable enough or if I should compile for 32 bits.
> The applications are:
> - Seamoneky/Firefox

> - Java
stable for years

> - Flash

32bit+nspluginwrapper works very well - crash of flash does not kill browser, 
64bit is said to be a bit more stable

> - Audacious
don't know

> - mplayer
works as good as 32bit

> - VirtualBox/VMware
virtualbox works well

> - Qemu
qemu sucks - in any version independent from 'bitness'.

> - Kerberos/OpenLDAP/OpenSSH (for these I think they are stable)
they are

> - X.org/fluxbox
really no problems there.

> - system suspending
if there are problems they are independent from 32/64bit.

> I have 4GB RAM and I know better is to compile for 64 bits, but for me is
> more important stability.

if stability is more important for you, go 64bit.

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