I happen to be stuck with a machine using an initramfs.  Every of attempt of
mine to build a new kernel not using an initram (Or even with initram) has
failed with the boot routine failing to recognize my /dev/sdb3 as root.

Its a gentoo vmappliance running on windows xp pro.

I'm not asking about getting the kernel right this time... I have in other
threads. I just want to know more about invoking the intramfs.

I know what needs to go in grub just by coping what is there originally in the
vmware but I'm wondering:

If you wanted to use something like vesa_fb... I know the incantations for the
kernel line:

Since that is how I boot my main gentoo desktop:

  /kernel bla-222 root=/dev/hda5 vga=0x31A video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap

On that machine I use no intramfs.
But when booting from initramfs where would that kind of stuff go.  Or is it
made useless by booting from intramfs.

Would the `vga=0x31A video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap' go on the kernel line still or on
the `initrd'  line.

As you see I don't really understand what is happening there.  
Reading that part of the handbook, it kind of skips over that.  Gives direction
for kernel and for initramfs but doesn't say what to do with VESA stuff if you
boot from initrd.

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