On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 21:52:37 +0530
Man Shankar <man.ee....@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 09:39 Wed 17 Dec     , Gregory SACRE wrote:

> > One of the other things I really like in awesome, it's the fact that
> > you can mix up tiling windows and floating ones. You can define, for
> > certain window titles in the configuration file, the fact that they
> > are floating. Then, when you start them, they appear as floating
> > windows and not tiled as the rest of them. This is pretty much
> > interesting for applications such as Skype, gitk, mplayer, ...
> > As for other tiling wm, you can also assign tags (sort of virtual
> > desktops) to window titles so when you start it, it goes directly
> > there, leaving your actual tag clean with what you were doing.
> That is a required feature because some stupid programs dont go well
> with the tiling concept. Another neat feature i found in default
> xmonad was the fact that there was no gap between adjacent windows. I
> am sure awesome should be able to do that as well, just that the
> default conf doesnt. But, then again i really haven't dug in.
Look at point 3.3 in
Like Gregory, I really like awesome but I have never tried 
xmonad. However I have recently switched from Ion3.



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