On Sonntag 21 Dezember 2008, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann <volker.armin.hemm...@tu-clausthal.de> wrote:
> > On Samstag 20 Dezember 2008, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> > > Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Thank you, I've booted to a LiveCD I'm in the middle of copying
> > > > everything from the old drive to the new drive with:
> > > >
> > > > cp -ax /olddrive/* /newdrive/
> > >
> > > "cp" neither has a "-a" nor a "-x" option. Are you talking abut "gcp"?
> >
> > of course he does. This is a linux list. Everybody is using the gnu
> > tools. Not some broken solaris stuff.
> You seem to be uninformed.... what is the reason for advertizing "gcp" that
> does not even support Linux specific features?

cp works good enough for most people. Also it was about you claiming something 
that is plainly wrong. cp on linux has the -a option. Everything else is 
irrelevant. We do not need to care about some 'unix cp' because linux uses the 
gnu userland. And I am pretty sure you know what gnu stands for.

> Using cp or a cp clone to copy complete directory trees always was a bad
> idea on UNIX and it still is a bad idea on Linux too. The best way to copy
> a complete filesystem is "star" as I mentioned before. Unlike the GNU tools
> used on Linux, star supports Linux specific features and star copies
> directory trees at least 30% faster than the fastest other tool you know.


like the star mentioned on this page:

"Turns out that star can't do "star xzf -", it will say "Can only compress 

yeah, sounds really convincing.

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