On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 08:35:47PM -0800, Penguin Lover Grant squawked:
> Can I change the amount reserved for root?

for ext2/3, try 'man tune2fs'. 


Proof by contradiction:
Suppose the square root of 3 were rational. Then sqrt(3) = p / q, for some
relatively prime integers p and q. Hence p = q sqrt(3). Now, since the square
root of 3 is irrational, p and q cannot both be rational and hence cannot both
be integers, which contradicts the original supposition. Hence, sqrt(3) is 
  ~Daniel Jonathan Peng
Pzzzt... DJP is just as irrational as the square root of three. 
Sortir en Pantoufles: up 744 days,  3:47

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