On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 09:06:07 +0800, Mark David Dumlao wrote:

> It doesn't matter that there isn't a formal rule. What matters is
> there is no way to find out about the de-facto rule in one of the
> standard use-cases of a mailing list - which is to just ask a few
> quick questions and filter out any irrelevant topics.

There is the standard seven day lurk method which has been around since
time immemorial. Posting preferences are a matter of local culture, and
such things are acquired rather than recorded. When entering any
unfamiliar culture, it is a good idea to observe for a while before
jumping in and possibly offending. Filing bugs about your inability to do
this is about as productive as writing to your MP to complain about being
chucked out of the Palace for breaking wind in the presence of royalty.

Neil Bothwick

Power outage at a department store yesterday, Twenty people were
trapped on the escalators.

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