On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 08:56:28PM -0500, Denis wrote:

> Hello and Happy New Year!

Happy new year to every members here.

> I was just updating from kernel linux-2.6.24-gentoo-r7 to
> linux-2.6.27-gentoo-r7 using the "oldconfig" method, and I cannot get
> the new kernel to load my network.  

The use of 'oldconfig' when upgrading from a previous .z kernel (as in
2.6.z) is a bad idea. There are too much changes between such upgrades.
Please retry a compilation from scratch.

>                                     I have Intel network hardware that
> runs on the E1000 driver, which I generally compile right into the
> kernel - never had any problem.  For some reason, the
> linux-2.6.27-gentoo-r7 kernel leaves me netless.  I try to start the
> "net.eth0", and it says 'please verify your hardware driver' or
> something to that extent.  Has anyone else encountered this problem?

If compiled as a module, check if it is loaded. Then, check if the
driver is working using the 'ifconfig -a' command (upgrade
sys-apps/net-tools if avaible).
If the module can't load or if it isn't working when loaded, post your
'dmesg' and 'emerge --info' outputs.

> I just compiled linux-2.6.25-gentoo-r9, and everything runs fine - no
> network problems at all!

Ok. What about the 2.6.28 series ?

Nicolas Sebrecht

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