On Tuesday 06 January 2009, Dale wrote:
> Denis wrote:
> > Looks like there are other bugs filed elsewhere on the net about E1000
> > not loading with the 2.6.27 kernel.
> >
> > Here's a curious note from
> > https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/275611
> >
> > =============
> > If I remove the line of the card in
> > /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and boot with kernel
> > 2.6.27-4, nothing happens, it's like the card does not exist.
> > If I modprobe e1000, and try to bring up manually eth0:
> >
> > eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
> > If I boot back in kernel 2.6.27-3, everything works fine,
> > /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules is correctly configured, and
> > so on.
> > =============
> >
> > Sounds like something's up.  I will try to configure my 2.6.27 using
> > menuconfig, but why do I get the sense that I'll just waste time doing
> > that and end up at square one?
> Because if it is in the kernel, it is in the kernel.  It doesn't matter
> if it is put there by oldconfig or menuconfig or some other config.
> It's either there built in, as a module or it is not there.  Really simple.

Well, I would have thought the same up until a week or so ago, but my 
conspiracy theory is that the 2.6.27-r7 gentoo kernel (don't know about the 
vanilla version) broke things.  In my case I couldn't get my sound card to 
work - alsa would error out not recognising my card.  I have been using 
oldconfig for years now, but also tried menuconfig just in case - of course 
it made no difference.  Filed a bug and it was suggested to me that I try 
building the alsa drivers as modules.  I tried it on for size and guess what, 
it worked!  I have not idea why as modules it worked, while built in the 
kernel it did not.

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