Hello. I have

zhangwe...@esmeralda:~$ grep --invert-match ^# /etc/locale.gen

zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8

For most applications, I can start it in any language I wish to use.
e.g. if I want to start abiword in en_US, I can do this:

zhangwe...@esmeralda:~$ LANG=en_US abiword

However this method doesn't work for firefox and thunderbird. Both
always starts in German (note German is the last, a.k.a. least preferred
language for me, in /etc/locale.gen)

I checked that I do have thunderbird installed with linguas_en_US (see
below emerge output). If it is installed with that language version, it
should be able to run in that language version. How can I start
thunderbird in en_US?

zhangwe...@esmeralda:~$ sudo emerge -pv mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R   ] mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird-  USE="crypt ipv6 ldap 
replytolist xinerama xprint -bindist -debug -gnome -mozdom -moznopango" 
LINGUAS="de en_US -af -be -bg -ca -cs -da -el -en -en_GB -es -es_AR -es_ES -eu 
-fi -fr -ga -ga_IE -he -hu -it -ja -ko -lt -mk -nb -nb_NO -nl -nn -nn_NO -pa 
-pa_IN -pl -pt -pt_BR -pt_PT -ru -sk -sl -sv -sv_SE -tr -uk -zh -zh_CN -zh_TW" 
0 kB

Total: 1 package (1 reinstall), Size of downloads: 0 kB

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