Grant Edwards <grante <at>> writes:

> Whenever I see a write-up of Gentoo, it's describe as a system
> similar to BSD "ports" where you build packages from source.
> The main benefit claimed for this approach is that you get
> better performance because all executables are optimized for
> exactly the right instruction set.
> is practically nil in real-world usage.

Not true.  You can eliminate many non-essential portions of a compiled
program, via use flag and the freedom you get to select software, as
opposed to other distros. Smaller executables are usually always faster.

One *BIG* difference is when the GPUs on video cards are used as co-processors
on systems. ATI and Nv are working on making  general purpose "C" languages
for programs to take advantage of the power of the GPU. Look for Gentoo
to beat the other distros, by the very nature of how it compiles code 
for everything.   It's an approaching revolution, and thats is where AMD
is going to slaughter Intel......

Bet on Gentoo, in this area, smoking even Microsoft!



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