On 2009-02-04, Paul Hartman <paul.hartman+gen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This thread is not complete without the obligatory link:
> http://funroll-loops.info/

Brilliant! I really like this one:

   To me, an extra 0.1% performance increase, even if I am only
   imagining it to be faster, is certainly worth one day a week
   recompiling all of the latest packages from source code. Even
   if I do occasionally get my CFLAGS in a muddle!

And this one pretty much echos my feelings:

   Real Gentoo users understand, it's not about
   OPTIMILAZIATIONS, it's about USE flags.

Apparently I'm one of the "people who think Gentoo rules
because they can't use RPM properly".

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! This PORCUPINE knows
                                  at               his ZIPCODE ... And he has
                               visi.com            "VISA"!!

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