On 6 Feb 2009, at 05:03, Jesús Guerrero wrote:
But sometimes, the amount of info to present is simply overwhelming.
To name just a couple of man pages that are really excellent I'd say
that the fvwm and bash ones are really good. But being rather long
they are better suited as reference guides.

LOL! I had thought to give the Bash manpage as an example of a man page which is terrible! For just that reason - its length!

My most common usage of the Bash manpage is because I can never remember the command to append the new history lines to the history file (in one terminal) and the one to read the new history lines (in another terminal). The Bash manpage is HUGE and this topic is towards the end; searching on "history" brings up so many hits on the way there that it slows you right down.

You're right that it's huge & comprehensive & you could print it out for very enlightening bedtime reading ("I didn't know you could do that!"), but the Bash manpage is the only one that has led me to try `info`!


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