Roy Wright wrote:
Mick wrote:
On Tuesday 10 February 2009, Joshua D Doll wrote:
Saphirus Sage wrote:
Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

I found it quite interesting that even Gentoo beat Canonical in the
amount of patches contributed upstream...
Good find, I actually didn't know about E-Trade using Gentoo servers. I
don't think it should be too surprising that Gentoo would contribute
more patches than Conical, as until today, I'd only actually heard of
one of them.
This video brought up an interesting question by my friend (an ubuntu
user). How would one go about getting Canonical or the ubuntu community
to change their practice of not contributing fixes back upstream?
Without having to change distributions.

Gentoo involves you more with what goes bad under the bonnet and the average Gentoo user is more interested in the workings of their OS to attempt troubleshooting it and filing bugs. Your average Ubuntu user is less likely to get their hands dirty, unless they are a dev. So, essentially we are talking about different user profiles here. To answer your friend's hypothetical question - he would either have to change your average Ubuntu's user technical aptitude, or change the user. Either attempt may mean the end of Ubuntu as we know it.

The ubuntus are targeted at disgruntled windows users while gentoo is targeted at unix users. The former are used to complaining and getting no response while the later know it's their responsibility to help make it better...

Have fun,

I think you may be right with your assessment there Roy. The only solution I could up with was to change distributions he didn't like that suggestion, not sure why, because changing distros is like changing underwear. Maybe he has some strange fascination with Ubunutu's pretty color scheme?

--Joshua Doll

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