On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 13:48:04 +0100
Johannes Frandsen <j...@imento.dk> wrote:

> I got in to a discussion about which server to recommend for running  
> the php5 symfony framework, and I recommended Gentoo as I had been  
> using it my self for a couple of years and have been very satisfied  
> with it.
> Somebody pointed out that having a productions server with a gcc  
> installed was a big no no security wise, so I did a bit of goggling on  
> that topic and found a couple of articles supporting that view.

I suppose it makes sense only in much broader context: "remove
everything that isn't necessary, even gcc".

It might certainly give attacker a harder time, but if it's x86/64 linux
machine, I think that hardly matters - static binaries won't be a
problem, so, if you're seriously considering that step to be necessary
- get rid of coreutils (especially that 'rm' utility) and all the
  interpreters (even awk!) first.

Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net

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