james wrote:
Dirk Heinrichs <dirk.heinrichs <at> online.de> writes:

would you please be so kind and avoid hijacking other threads next time.

Um, you must not have read the response.

I did specifically address and provide remedy if indeed having gcc
installed on a machine is a security threat.
Sure I expounded on the whole concept of security, because one
of the most important aspect of any or all security is a measure
of reasonableness and sufficiency. There are many instances, imho,
that overkill for security is applied and often does not work,
such as removing gcc from a system. A good hacker (security interloper)
can patch a system without ever compiling anything on that system....

Your opinion that I hijacked a thread is, well, your opinion, at best.

Ignore what you do not like, or give a more singularly focused response,
if you deem that necessary, but avoid pissing into a fan and telling the rest of us how cool and relevant you are.

After all, you did not even respond with any relevance to what the poster
was look for, did you ? (your just another pompous a.....)....


Actually Dirk wasn't talking to you at all, he was talking to the person that did indeed hijack the thread (titled "Mailing Lists") by replying to it with an unrelated email (titled "Gentoo as a production server - insecure?"). This was a valid point, as it was thread hijacking and it does make threads very difficult to manage.

It does not however make it so difficult to manage that you cannot see Dirk replied to the original hijacking email, and not to you.

Now lets all kiss and make up :)


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