On Saturday 21 March 2009 23:13:49 BRM wrote:
> So, unless you are looking to use LVM in a soft-RAID solution between
> multiple physical drives, not multiple partitions on the same drive, (e.g.
> partition A = sda1 + sda2, with mirror on sdb1+sdb2), then I would not
> suggest it as should anything happen, it'll make data recovery that much
> harder.

LVM does not and should not provide data integrity features.

You lost a drive. The data on it goes away. What did you expect would happen? 
That the data on it would magically reconstruct itself?

In a situation like that, losing a drive with LVM is only slightly more 
inconvenient (one or two more steps) than losing the same drive without LVM 
(which is horribly inconvenient by itself).

Please don't blame LVM for what is actually a user error.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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